Want to unlock your skills and evolve your solo and partner practice?
For a one time price of $450 you will have yearlong access to the entire AYI Library and any courses or live classes added in 2021.

Included with the year long All Access Pass are:
  • All Certificate Courses: 5 step-by-step courses that will guide you through unlocking your skills + evolving your practice. 

  • All Online Classes 8 Live Master Classes and 2 Workshops with AYI Co-Founder Jason Nemer that will build your solo and partner practice.

  • Future Courses that will be added in 2021
1000 flying transitions in 7 levels, Beginner through Expert 
AcroFit Partner Strength Course
Flight School; One 30min flow of 35 Progressive Washing Machines


What is included?

Here are is the full library included in this plan.